Friday, May 25, 2012

Since my last post, Kyli was able to go home, but had to return after three short days because her temperature spiked. She has been at the hospital ever since so she can receive antibiotics via IV to help treat the infection she has no white cells to battle on her own. Her hair is very thin now and virtually gone in the back of her head. She is doing a little better now and she should be able to go home near the end of the month!
Technology is a wonderful thing! Through the wonders of Facebook, my son and his wife have been able to inform family and friends who use Facebook of Kyli's progress instead of writing hundreds of messages and making as many phone calls. Kyli's Kause has drawn attention from around the world! One of my son's friends from school days, Joe Bryk, is now a sergeant in the US Army and is currently deployed to Afghanistan. He and his unit sent a package to Kyli that contained a card, letter, and a combat patch worn by the soldier.
Somehow, this gained the attention of a news channel in nearby Orlando, Florida and the next thing we knew, a news crew showed up to do a story on Kyli's Kause! They were there for about an hour and were sooooo nice. The news anchor, Tracey Jacim, is the reporter who actually came to the hospital and Kyli really warmed up to her considering her steroid-induced mood swings. I managed to avoid the camera but it was so interesting to see how it all happened. They did at least 45 minutes of video and interview to create the story that took less than five minutes of air time.
I have included a link to the news story if you care to watch it. My son and his wife were so nervous, but I think they did a really great job! And Kyli? She just had to be her sweet self!

Kyli's Kause via FOX 35 News, Orlando

As for my creative time, I will be on summer break in two weeks and should be able to get in more stamping and paper crafting. I went on a stamping retreat last weekend and made a pile of cards that I will be able to share as soon as I get them photographed and uploaded. I want to go through my stash and send a bunch to Joe's unit in Afghanistan. He personally sends out many letters and cards to friends and family, so I know they will be appreciated. They get many of them from Operation Write Home.
Bryk, Joe, B Co. 296 BSB, Khandahar Airfield, APO AE 09355 is his address in case anyone wanted to send any to this group also. Of course, they could always be sent to his unit and others through Operation Write Home. I'm pretty sure that for them to be sent to a unit, you have to have one of the soldier's names specifically on the address.
I have a long holiday weekend and I am planning to have a slumber party at the hospital with Kyli one of the nights so that Mommy and Daddy can both come home and get some things taken care of for the move to their new home. I also plan to get in some stamping!! Thanks for stopping in!!


  1. I've been following Kyli's story on facebook! Thanks for sharing that link, Lynnor. You and your family continue to be in my every prayer!

  2. Continued prayers to Kyli and the whole family. It is so wonderful that the news crew shares her story to bring life into reality. The slumber party sounds wonderful, I bet she is really excited about that. Hang in there.

  3. Lynnor would it help if we got together and sent Kyli some cards to send her some sunshine? I would love to send her some and maybe a picture of Lucky, for slurp or two? Let me know.

    1. Kathy, she would love that! She can receive mail in my name at PO Box 211, Citra FL 32113. We made aome glittery butterflies today to hang in her new room when she goes home from the hospital....hopefully next week when her first round if chemo will be complete.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Kathy, she would love that! She can receive mail in my name at PO Box 211, Citra FL 32113. We made aome glittery butterflies today to hang in her new room when she goes home from the hospital....hopefully next week when her first round if chemo will be complete.

    4. Kathy, she would love that! She can receive mail in my name at PO Box 211, Citra FL 32113. We made aome glittery butterflies today to hang in her new room when she goes home from the hospital....hopefully next week when her first round if chemo will be complete.


I love reading all your comments...thanks for leaving one today!